Here at the Casual Gourmet we are always on the hunt for new and exciting things to offer our Cape Cod Brides. While on the search we came across these amazing glitter bon bons from and we just had to get them. They are actual edible chocolates covered in Glitter. We showcased them at many of our Summer Galas and they were a huge hit, especially at the Falmouth Hospital Gala in August. They were so popular that we thought hmm… what else can we Glitter? Check out the amazing cake that was adorned by and ask us about your wedding cake and all the fun colors of bon bons we can add to your cake. The bon bons come in a large variety of colors as well as flavors.
About Olive Chase
Olive runs the show with more than 30 years of catering and event production experience and some 25 years of restaurant and food service experience prior to that. As the owner and president of The Casual Gourmet, Olive oversees three Express locations, two food service contracts, our main bakery and cafe and a catering operation that plans and hosts more than 100 weddings each year.